Indigenous Workplace Learning Circles - Program Pre-sessions

  • $200.00
  • 9 Courses
  • 8h 15m

The Indigenous Workplace Learning Circle (IWLC) is an innovative online course that approaches essential skills training at an introductory level to reach all learners no matter their readiness, or current literacy levels. Essential skills are the tools that people need for learning, work, and life. From taking this course, learners will develop their reading, document use, numeracy, writing, oral communication, working with others, thinking, computer use, and continuous learning skills.

    To purchase the IWLC program pre-sessions contact us at

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Introduction to Indigenous Workplace Learning Circle (IWLC)
1 Course
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Preparing for Session 1: Pre-session
1 Course
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Preparing for Session 2: Where Are We Heading?
1 Course
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Preparing for Session 3: Understanding Each Other in the Workplace
1 Course
1h 5m
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Preparing for Session 4: Succeeding at Work and Home
1 Course
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Preparing for Session 5: Positive Communication
1 Course
1h 20m
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Preparing for Session 6: Workplace Culture
1 Course
1h 15m
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Preparing for Session 7: Listening Skills
1 Course
1h 5m
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Preparing for Session 8: Closing and Celebration
1 Course
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